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Lessons from the William Kennedy Smith Trial (Bill Kinnersley)
(rot13, smirk, topical, rape joke)

What can a girl learn from the William Kennedy Smith trial?
1) Never date someone with sweet innocent expression.  He may actually be
   sweet and innocent, but if not he'll never get convicted.  Date someone
   who looks dangerous, just in case.
2) Do not drive Mazda RX-7
3) Do not wear black lace underwear
4) For 3 AM walk on beach, keep pantyhose on
5) Scream, but since everyone will swear they didn't hear you scream, say
   you couldn't scream
6) Rip own clothes if necessary
7) Better injuries an absolute must.  Bite tongue for blood, hit arms and legs
   with hammer.  If all else fails, ride on roller coaster next day.
8) Call rescuers who are not going to (a) steal vase (b) sell out to sleazy
   talk shows
9) Sell out to sleazy talk shows.  Better than winning case.

and most importantly,

10) Always ask to see at least two ID's.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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