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Where the hell is carmen san diego? (Andrew Tannenbaum)
Interactive Systems, Cambridge, MA 02138-5302
(topical, chuckle, true)

There was a news report this morning (10 Dec) on National Public Radio
about Akira Kurosawa's recent movie which involves the atomic bombing
of Nagasaki at the end of World War II.  There is some controversy
about this movie in the west because it does not address the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor.

It was mentioned that a news reporter had asked Japanese high school
students what they associated with the phrase World War II, and they
said "atomic bomb."  The reporter found that most of them had never
heard of Pearl Harbor.  When another reporter went to North Carolina
and asked high school students there what was the first thing that came
to mind at the mention of Japan, most replied, "Tienanmin Square."

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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