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Midnight Wanderer (Michael J. Rudnicki)
(scatological, smirk)

Late one night, a man rushes into the bedroom and wakes up his wife.
	"Wake up honey, wake up."
	"Huh,...what is it?"she asks, still half asleep.
	"Honey I think we got ghosts in the house, ghosts in the bathroom.."
	"What the hell are you talking about?" she says, remembering that he hadjust come home from a night of drinking.
	"Well, as I walked into the bathroom, the light turned on, by itself,
and then as I walked out, it turned off, all by itself..."he explains to his 
still disbelieving wife.
	She turns to him and says:"You know what this means don't you?"
	"Yeah",he says,"it means that we've got ghosts."
	"NO DAMMIT"she yells,"it means you just pissed into the refrigerator

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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