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Travel Tips (TRUE!) (D.M.)
(original, true, chuckle)

The following bulletin was composed by Sonia Bot with some (small) help
from myself.  The events depicted below are TRUE.  I have eliminated
the hotel name so as not to be involved in legal hassles.

Diane MacMartin
Bell-Northern Research


from:        Sonia  Bot and Diane MacMartin

subject:     Travel Tips

      As some of you may already know, Diane MacMartin and I attended
the Computer Human Interaction (CHI) Conference in New Orleans last
week.  Diane and I agreed to cut costs by being room mates, booking
great seat sales, and diet on granola bars.  Our trip was an adventure
that we'll certainly never forget!  Although it was very successful, we
thought it would be wise to pass on some tips for business travel...

      So, if you ever find yourself in any of the following situations,
just keep your composure and think...

Situation                            What to do...
---------                            -------------
You arrive in New Orleans and        Simply ignore the bordello.  Find
as you drive up to the front         an alternate well lit and well
entrance of your hotel, you notice   used entrance to the hotel.  In
a bordello across the street...      the morning, take a foto of the
                                     bordello so people back home will
                                     believe you!

You and your room mate are fast      Make sure the rape chain is on the
asleep.  All of a sudden you are     door and go back to bed.  Complain
awakened since someone claiming he   to the front desk in the morning
is a maintenance man is pounding     and get a $10.00 discount on your
on your door, wanting to get into    room rate.
your room.  You telephone the front
desk to ask what is going on.  They
tell you they want to get into your
room because the person in the room
next door is locked out, and hotel
maintenance wants access to your
balcony to jump across to the next
one.  You look outside your window
and don't see any balconies...

You and your room mate are fast      Call the front desk to ask what is
asleep.  All of a sudden you are     going on.  Make sure the rape chain
awakened since someone claiming he   is on and go back to bed.  Complain
is a maintenance man is pounding     to the front desk in the morning...
on your door, wanting to get into
your room.  He says your toilet is
causing a flood in the room below.
We didn't even use our toilet...

You and your room mate return to     Notify the front desk.  Notify them
your hotel room after a long day     again after half an hour.  Notify
at the conference.  As you enter,    again after an hour.  Threaten that
you notice the toilet is stuffed     you are about to wet your pants.
with towels...                       Complain to the front desk in the

You and your room mate return to     Notify the front desk.  Wait a
your hotel room after a long day     couple of hours.  Put on your
at the conference.  As you enter,    gloves and throw the dirty pile
you notice a pile of dirty linen     out into the hallway.  Complain to
on the TV counter...                 the front desk in the morning...

You and your room mate are fast      Call the front desk to ask what is
asleep.  All of a sudden you are     going on.  Make sure the rape chain
awakened since someone claiming he   is on and go back to bed.  Complain
is a housekeeping man is pounding    to the front desk in the morning...
and yelling on everyone's doors...

You and your room mate decide to     Learn to sing the "Gilligan's
go on a 3 hour sight seeing cruise   Island" theme song.  Get on your
on the Mississippi River.  A         hands and knees and pray really
hurricane comes into town during     hard.
the cruise...

You and your room mate attend the    Leave early.  Go back to the hotel
CHI reception on the Steamboat       room to read up on the next day's
Natchez.  It is pouring rain...      paper presentations.

It is pouring rain and the area      Go out and buy a voodoo doll, and
is flooded.  You recall Brian        cast a spell on Brian...!!!
Carlson teasing you that he hopes
it will rain during our stay
in New Orleans...

You and your room mate are           Move fast to the next street.  Stay
shopping for souvenirs in the        away from streets that are lined
French Quarter.  You then notice     with stakes adorned with horse
that you are one of the few women    heads.
on the street that is not a

You and your room mate are on        Nonchalantly, pick up the alligator,
a cypress bayou swamp tour.          and get your room mate to take a
The tour guide dares you to          foto for proof.  Then throw it back
pick up and hold onto an             into the bayou.

It's time to check out of your       The front desk already knows you
hotel...                             well.  Emphasize those dark circles
                                     under your eyes.  Accept the room
                                     discounts and waivers for all long
                                     distance telephone calls.

You are a few blocks from the        Curse and swear alot.  The car will
airport.  Your rented car keeps      eventually start before your plane
stalling, and your mini skirt is     takes off.
packed at the bottom of your
suit case...

You spent a week in New Orleans      (What do you expect from an
during the Jazz and Heritage         airline that serves granola bars
Festival.  You are flying back       for breakfast!)
home and notice that there is no
jazz band playing on the plane...

      Although we are being humourous, we'd like to remind you that when
on business travel, things may not always go smoothly.  You may recall
the numerous incidents in Toronto's hotels last year, where someone
would pose as hotel staff, and lure guests to opening their doors, only
to attack them.  Just remember, never open your hotel room door unless
you are absolutely sure who is on the other side.

      You may wonder why we didn't check out of our hotel after our
first incident.  Short of finding a safe alley and living out of our
car, we could not find any other accommodations in the city since
there were no vacancies due to other conferences and the Jazz and
Heritage Festival.  I found myself in a similar situation in Halifax
a few years ago when I presented a paper at a Medical and Biological
Engineering conference.

      Keeping your head on straight and approaching these situations
with good humour will help make the trip a successful and enjoyable one.
We did this, and we'll fondly remember this trip as an adventure.  But,
we must admit, we did get on our knees and kiss the ground when we
arrived in Ottawa!

Sonia-Bot  &  Diane-MacMartin

P.S.  We did make an appearance at the CHI conference!  Stay tuned
      for our technical trip reports...

P.S.  Do not stay at the xxxxxxxx Hotel in the New Orleans suburb of
      Metairie) even if it is an official hotel for the conference
      you are attending.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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