origin of this is unknown to me. found it on my parent's fridge. RETIREMENT SCHEDULE 7:00 am - Wake up and laugh at silent alarm clock, which has been turned off the night before. 7:00 to 7:01 - Brisk calisthenics, lying in bed. 7:01 to 9:00 - Go back to sleep. 9:00 to 10:00 - Breakfast: bourbon, toast, bacon, eggs, coffee 10:00 to 11:00 - Give wife orders of the day and point out her errors of the day before. 11:00 to 11:15 - Coffee and bourbon break, spent resting on the sofa 11:15 to 12:15 - Front porch rocking chair session. make plans on how to spend tomorrow in a constructive way. 12:15 to 12:30 - Highball with next-door neighbor. 12:30 to 1:30 - Lunch: beer, beef sandwich, apple pie, and cheese. 1:30 to 1:35 - Read good book to improve mind. 1:35 to 3:00 - Nap on sofa 3:00 to 3:15 - Coffee and bourbon break 3:15 to 4:45 - Back porch rocking chair session to get benefit of afternoon sun. Review morning's plans for tomorrow; decide tomorrow is a bad day to start any new projects. 4:45 to 5:00 - Inspect vegetable garden; point out to wife areas where she should do more hoeing. 5:00 to 8:30 - Cocktail hour. 8:30 to 9:30 - Dinner: wine, sirloin steak, salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, ice cream. 9:30 to 11:59 - Discuss with wife why world is going to pot; lay out her schedule for the next day. 11:50 to 12:00 - Write postcard to boss saying how much you miss the old gang and how you are champing at the bit to get back. 12:00 to 12:01 - Go to bed with second book of the day to improve mind. 12:01 - Throw book out window and fall asleep. ---- Christopher Lott \/ Dept of Comp Sci, Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
(From the "Rest" of RHF)
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