Space Shuttle Astronauts Jay and Jerry did an on-site repair to the 617 Million Dollar Gamma Ray Observatory satellite this weekend, needing only a few seconds to fix a stuck antenna by giving it 3 small tugs.
Taking the advice of TV and VCR repair shops, NASA has sent the following itemized bill:
Repair Labor $35.00 (2 techs @ 1/2 hr minimum) On-Site Call $61,700,000.00 (Contract at 10% of list) Mileage $94.64 (2 (4)x4} 182 miles @ .26 per)
Parts $0.00 Cleaner $7.00
Total $61,700,146.64
Had the decision been made to not do the repair, the parts and cleaner would have been deleted, but the rest of the bill would still be due as the "estimate charges."