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Saddam Hussein's Top Ten Hopes for the New Year (peter c dill)
(topical, original, chuckle)

The two questions that I am asked most often are "does this look infected to you?" and "boy, I bet computer science takes up a lot of your time." In partial answer to both, I would like to submit the following,

Saddam Hussein's Top Ten Hopes for the New Year

10. That the chef won't continue to serve ``date surprise'' every night of the week.

9. in between brutally silencing his opponents he'll be able to find a little quite time for himself.

8. be able to use the Video Toaster to make Iraqi TV footage of ``Death to American Satan'' rallies look more like a Vanilla Ice video.

7. no one realizes that Tariq Aziz used to play Larry Tate on ``Bewitched''.

6. there will finally be a college football playoff system.

5. that people won't start wondering why they've never seen him and the official government spokesmen together.

4. that Iraq will have a piece of Saudi Arabia--- oops that should be that Iraq will have *peace with* Saudi Arabia.

3. the New York Post will stop using his first name as a verb.

2. that Noriega's lawyer has received the retainer he sent.

1. (tie) lose ten pounds/get around to poison gassing the Kurds like he promised the wife last year.

Peter Dill

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