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No need for justification (Robert Mokry)
(original, computer, smirk)

Do you know what I hate?  I mean what I absolute, positively, despise?
Well, it's these people who write a paragraph with every damn line the
same length (without inserting extra spaces).  It all starts when they
write something and then they suddenly realize, "Hey, all the previous 
lines have the same length!" and then they try to make the rest of the
lines in their paragraph the same length, too, but that makes the rest
of the lines somewhat incomprehensible, and they waste lots of time in
doing it, which they should have spent doing their work.  And finally,
when they are finished, they think that they've accomplished something 
special.  They feel that only their extraordinary grasp of the English
language could create such a masterpiece.  Oooooo, I really hate that.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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