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Miami or bust...

(smirk, heard it)

Someone recently posted a joke which was supposed to be "typical
Russian humor."  Along that line, I offer the following, Typical
Cuban Humor...

A schoolteacher in Havana asked her class, "If the sea between
Cuba and Miami were to dry up, how long would it take to walk
across?"  When she got no response, she asked Pepito to give an

After a moment of thought, he said, "Forty days."

The teacher was naturally surprised.  "Pepito," she said, "the
distance from Havana to Miami is only about ninety miles.  Maybe
I didn't make the question clear.  Pretend that it's all smooth
and level ground.  NOW how long would it take?"

Pepito insisted however on his answer of forty days.

"But why?" asked the teacher.

"Well, because you would constantly have to say, "`Excuse me,'
`Pardon me please,' `Excuse me, sir,' `Pardon me Miss,' `Excuse

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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