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Valuable savings (RusminUmin Dirgantoro)
(sexual, smirk)

I got this from a friend long time ago..

There was a priest caught a young man having fun by himself in a restroom
booth. Then a conversation happened..

  Priest    : Why are you doing that? Don't you know that God loves people
              who save it 'till their marriage?

  Young man : Ohh.. I didn't know that before, father. I promise to do that.

Several months later, the priest found the young man doing the same thing
in a restroom (again).

  Priest    : You don't keep your words, do you?
              Do you remember what you said to me last time?

  Young man : I do remember and do keep my words, father.
              Look.. I've got a quart already.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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