A gentleman called Referrals because of an automobile accident caused entirely by his galoshes (pronounced: "go-losh-shes"). While he was driving his car, his galoshes, being too big for his feet, because lodged under the gas pedal. As a result, the car began to speed up and, while he was making efforts to regain control, the car careened (pronounced: "kay-reeee-ned") off a truck and into another car. When asked if he required a civil litigation lawyer -- after all that vehicular mayhem -- he said no. As it turned out, what he really needed was a criminal lawyer to represent him in traffic court -- on a charge of blowing over 80mg on a breathalyzer! -- from "Hearsay", the Law Society of Upper Canada staff newsletter, July 1989. By Les Gyulay. -- David Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada
(From the "Rest" of RHF)