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Electronic Tee-Shirts

noise@cisunx.UUCP (Andy Andrews)
(original, chuckle)

In your monthly posting on submitting a joke, you say:
>When you submit a joke, try to make it work well as written humour.
>T-shirt sayings are great on a T-shirt.

At many of the Pitt computing labs, where the terminals are arranged in rows
with users right next to each other, T-shirt sayings are good on CRTs as well.
For example:

I  '  M   M     W   W  I  TTTTT  H   H      SSSS  TTTTT  U   U  PPPP   I  DDDD 
I  '  MM MM     W   W  I    T    H   H     S        T    U   U  P   P  I  D   D
I     M M M     W W W  I    T    HHHHH      SSS     T    U   U  PPPP   I  D   D
I     M   M     WW WW  I    T    H   H         S    T    U   U  P      I  D   D
I     M   M     W   W  I    T    H   H     SSSS     T     UUU   P      I  DDDD

                       / |
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                     /                          |
                     \                          |
                      \  +----------------------+
                       \ |

Andy (noise@cisunx.UUCP)

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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