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The meaning of creation

(Kent Paul Dolan)

	God and Lucifer were sitting out on the patio, and God noticed that
	his best friend was kind of down in the dumps.  God tried a few of
	His better jokes, but the best Lucifer could work up was a weak
	smile.  God freshened Lucifer's drink with a little Old Thunderbolt,
	but all he got in return was a subdued, "Thanks, Big Guy."  God tried
	a few card tricks, a little magic, a bit of the old razza-ma-tazz,
	but his buddy just wouldn't crack a smile.

	Finally, in desperation, God said, "This one takes a little while to
	work up, but just be patient, and I know I can cheer you up, Red."
	Lucifer responded despondently, "Go ahead, but I don't think it's much
	use; the fire just seems to have gone out of things for me."
	So God said, "Let there be light!" ...
	Lucifer hasn't stopped laughing since.

Kent, the man from xanth.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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