All tragedies inspire jokes, of both the regular and sick type, and the Sept 11 terrorist attacks are no different. In many cases the jokes provide release from the horror, for many they provide nothing but offense. To understand why, one has to understand a bit about the nature of comedy. Most comedy derives from the combination of presenting something we find frightening or embarassing in a context where we are safe, combined with a cleverness of presentation. Cleverness without the fear is mostly the province of puns.
The first comedy can be seen in the laughter of small children hung in the air or twirled by their parents--scary, but safe.
In some cases, if a subject or tragedy touches you deeply, it's not possible for your mind to find the safe context necessary to see it as humour. The result is nothing but the original fear, or horror, and a bewilderment that anybody saw comedy, because for you there is none. This is no less true for the RHF moderators, who must read through a myriad of jokes whenever any disaster strikes and decide which are "good" jokes. Note that the first WTC jokes appeared in the RHF queue on the evening of the 11th. Even with the horror, people often find comedy even in the face of personal tragedy, the realization that something is not serious providing a relief.
We've always published these jokes about tragedy, with warning. We're not out to offend people who can't yet feel safe again. Knowing some will ignore the warning, we seriously ask you to not decode these rot13 items unless you are confident that you are ready to release the emotion. Those who do will no doubt want to flame us, with a letter beginning, "I support your past posting of offensive jokes but this time you went too far/don't you realize the special tragedy/I'm for free speech, but..." The archives include jokes about a war that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis; it would be hypocritical to blanch because this time Americans are the victims.
Rirel H qbja va Hivyyr yvxrq H.F. n ybg,
Ohg gur Ovapu, jub yvirq Sne Rnfg bs Hivyyr, qvq abg.
Gur Ovapu ungrq H.F! gur jubyr H.F. jnl!
Abj qba'g nfx zr jul, sbe abobql pna fnl,
Vg pbhyq or uvf gheona jnf fperjrq ba gbb gvtug.
Be gur fha sebz gur qrfreg unq orngra gbb oevtug
Ohg V guvax gung gur zbfg yvxryl ernfba bs nyy
Znl unir orra gung uvf urneg jnf gjb fvmrf gbb fznyy.
Ohg, Jungrire gur ernfba, uvf urneg be uvf gheona,
Ur fgbbq snpvat Hivyyr, gur cneg gung jnf heona.
"Gurl'er qbvat gurve ohfvarff," ur faneyrq sebz uvf crepu.
"Gurl'er envfvat gurve snzvyvrf! Gurl'er tbvat gb puhepu!
Gurl'er yrnqvat gur jbeyq, naq gurve rzcver vf guevivat,
V ZHFG xrrc gur F'f naq H'f sebz fheivivat!"
Gbzbeebj, ur xarj, nyy gur H'f naq gur F'f,
Jbhyq chg ba gurve cnagf naq gurve fuvegf naq gurve qerffrf,
Gurl'q tb gb gurve bssvprf, cynltebhaqf naq fpubbyf,
Naq novqr ol gurve H naq F inyhrf naq ehyrf,
Naq gura gurl'q qb fbzrguvat ur yvxrq yrnfg bs nyy,
Rirel H qbja va H-ivyyr, gur gnyy naq gur fznyy,
Jbhyq fgnaq nyy havgrq, rnpu H naq rnpu F,
Naq gurl'q fvat Hivyyr'f nagurz, "Tbq oyrff hf! Tbq oyrff!"
Nyy nebhaq gurve Gjva Gbjref bs Hivyyr, gurl'q fgnaq,
naq gurve ibvprf jbhyq qebja rirel fbhaq va gur ynaq.
"V zhfg fgbc gung fvatvat," Ovapu fnvq jvgu n fzvex,
Naq ur unq na vqrn--na vqrn gung zvtug jbex!
Gur Ovapu fgbyr fbzr H nvecynarf va H zbeavat ubhef,
Naq penfurq gurz evtug vagb gur Hivyyr Gjva Gbjref.
"Gurl'yy jnxr gb qvfnfgre!" ur favpxrerq, fb fbhe,
"Naq ubj pna gurl fvat jura gurl pna'g svaq n gbjre?"
Gur Ovapu pbpxrq uvf rne nf gurl jbxr sebz gurve fyrrcvat,
Nyy frg gb rawbl gurve H-jnvyvat naq jrrcvat,
Vafgrnq ur urneq fbzrguvat gung fgnegrq dhvgr ybj,
Naq vg ohvyg hc dhvgr fybj, ohg vg fgnegrq gb tebj--
Naq gur Ovapu urneq gur zbfg hacerqvpgnoyr guvat...
Naq ur pbhyqa'g oryvrir vg--gurl fgnegrq gb fvat!
Ur fgnerq qbja ng H-ivyyr, abg gehfgvat uvf rlrf,
Jung ur fnj jnf n fubpxvat, qvfthfgvat fhecevfr!
Rirel H qbja va H-ivyyr, gur gnyy naq gur fznyy,
Jnf fvatvat! Jvgubhg nal gbjref ng nyy!
Ur UNQA'G fgbccrq H-Ivyyr sebz fvatvat! Vg fhat!
Sbe qbja qrrc va gur urnegf bs gur byq naq gur lbhat,
Gubfr Gjva Gbjref jrer fgnaqvat, pnyyrq Ubcr naq pnyyrq Cevqr,
Naq lbh pna'g fznfu gur gbjref jr ubyq qrrc vafvqr.
Fb jr pvepyr gur fvgrf jurer bhe urebrf qvq snyy,
Jvgu n unaq va rnpu unaq bs gur gnyy naq gur fznyy,
Naq jr zbhea sbe bhe ybffrf juvyr xabjvat jr'yy pbcr,
Sbe jr fgvyy unir vafvqr gung H-Cevqr naq H-Ubcr.
Sbe Nzrevpn zrnaf n ovg zber guna gnyy gbjref,
Vg zrnaf zber guna jrnygu be cbyvgvpny cbjref,
Vg'f zber guna bhe rarzvrf rire pbhyq thrff,
Fb znl Tbq oyrff Nzrevpn! Oyrff hf! Tbq oyrff!
[Abgr - znxvat gur ebhaqf va n ovt jnl, sbe boivbhf ernfbaf, jvgubhg
nggevohgvba - rq.]
The Internet Jokebook![]() |