Actual news story, 1/11/2001:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Unisys Corp., Microsoft Corp. and Dell Computer Corp. are teaming up to create new voting technology in the wake of the ballot-counting fiasco in the U.S. presidential election, Unisys said on Thursday.
Blue Bell, Pa.-based Unisys said its system will replace outdated systems that produce irregularities such as those reported in Florida in the November election.
The system will integrate election processes from voter registration to counting results, Unisys said.
Follow-up stories:
BLUE BELL, PA (November 12, 2002) - After being unable to recover the results of last week's congressional election, the Unisys Help Desk closed the ticket today with a recommendation to reboot the system and try the election again.
REDMOND, WA (October 25, 2004) - Microsoft announced today that because of production delays in Election '04, next month's presidential election has been pushed back to the 2nd Quarter of next year.
WASHINGTON (August 3, 2005) - President George W. Bush and former Vice President Al Gore conceded today's election at 8 pm after preliminary results showed them losing overwhelmingly. Final results, released immediately after polls closed in Hawaii, showed both the incumbent Republican and his Democratic challenger failed to garner 100 votes nationwide. Former Louisiana gubernatorial candidate David Duke finished in second place with 3,322 votes on the strength of strong returns from Palm Beach County, Florida. The winning ticket received 1,073,741,824 votes--all write-ins. "President-elect Gates and I are honored and humbled by this historic victory," said Vice President-elect Michael Dell in his acceptance speech.