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Geek humor (Stephanie Cottrell Bryant)

My husband, his best friend, and I were out to lunch the other day when his friend pulled out his new Visor (a Palm-based PDA) with the Cingular-based cellphone attachment. We were discussing the limitations of the phone, namely that it can send instant messages to Cingular and Verizon cellphones, but not Internet-based email. He was attempting to demonstrate using my Verizon phone as the recipient.

"Ok, so what's your cell number?" he asked eagerly. After he tapped in the number and started composing a message, I realized something.

"You know, we're sitting less than four feet away from each other. . . ." I remarked.

"Yeah," my husband piped in. "You could just talk to each other."

"No, no, no," I replied, opening my purse and taking out my Palm pilot. "I meant you could just beam it to me!"

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