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I'd rather be right than be president. (TheOldBear)
(topical, chuckle)

    "I'd rather be right than be president."
                                          -- Henry Clay  (1777-1852)
    "Dad said it was my right to be president."
                                          -- George W. Bush

    "If those folks had just punched the 3rd hole on 
    the right, by now I'd be president."
                                          -- Al Gore

    "If you both weren't so far to the right, one of 
    you might be president."
                                         -- Ralph Nader

    "All I said was that Hitler was right.  So why can't
    I be president?"
                                        -- Pat Buchanan

    "No lasting presidential legacy?   Yeah, right."
                                        -- Bill Clinton

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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