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Pre-school Poetry (with apologies to Dr Suess) (Rik)
(topical, smirk)

If a baby buys a browning with a bullet in the barrel,
and the bullet from the barrel is used to end a quarrel,
and the browning barrel bullet bursts a vessel in your head,
then the baby with the browning may just make you dead.

When Toy Story turns all gory and it's driving them barmy,
and there's all out fighting in the Pokemon Army,
When kindergarten kiddies from all the local blocks
have troops not classes and all carry Glocks.

When the floozie with the Uzi is easily pre-teen,
and the gun in your drawer is nowhere to be seen,
when fighting in the playground leads to blood and not to tears,
then the situation's hopeless and it has been for years.

When gun control means one day waits,
and home defence is guns not gates,
when toddlers take tazers and erase their mates,
then it's useless and it's pointless and it's far too late.

So, If a baby buys a browning with a bullet in the barrel,
and the bullet from the barrel is used to end a quarrel,
and this sort of thing happens every day,
make sure you renew your subscription to the NRA.

Written by Rik Barker ( in his diary on Monochrome BBS

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