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Gatorade - Woman on Gerbil Wheel (Tom Phoenix)
Society for the Elimination of Unwarranted Excess Superfluous
(smirk, true)

I own the domain Like most other domain owners, occasionally I get mail which should have gone to someone else. Here's one such. Makes you wonder what the rest of the story is....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 12:35:30 -0400
>From: Xxxx Xxxxx <>
>To: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx <>
>Subject: Gatorade - Woman on Gerbil Wheel

Hi Xxxxxxxx,

Here's a weird one.

We need to know where the wheel came from on this job. Did we have a model maker build one or did John shoot one from the store and drop the woman in?

I need contact info for the model maker or the stylist who bought the wheel.

The guy who patented the gerbil wheel called the agency so they need to know.

Let me know what you find.


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