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Object properties (Paul Gardner-Stephen)
Flinders University of South Australia

The following was a responce which arose from a mailing list discussion on regarding car security.

This story begins a couple of weeks ago.. I have a 1973 GB Galant, which I never (used to) lock as I figured that locking it would only encourage someone to actually break a window to get in, rather than open a door. This doesn't worry me as I make special care to leave nothing of any value in the car. The most expensive thing in the car is probably the spare oil and brake fluid in the boot (trunk).

The other notable facts about this Galant is that a, it is worth about a$500, and the choke spring is a little over zealous. Because of the zeal of the spring (especially in the summer), the previous owner devised an ingenious strategy for keeping the choke engaged when required. The ash tray contains a 50c piece. This coin is the right size to fit between the dash board and the choke handle to jam it on. I also added a 10c piece recently for summer driving where not so much choke is required.

Anyway, one recent night some thief did decide to take advantage of the unlocked doors on my Galant. They rifled through the interior looking for money. My street directory and cheap sunglasses were still there in the morning, but my choke adjustments were no longer in the ash-tray. The thief, or thieves were so desperate that they stole my 60c from the car.

After announcing this on the labf mailing list various comments were made ranging from keeping the car body at 60 kilo volts, to keeping a large dog tethered to the hand brake. During the discussion it arose that it would be good if the properties of an object were visible to all, in the same way that you can get file or disk properties in most operating systems. This would save the distress of finding worthless, but sentimental cars rummaged through, all for 60c. Thus the following responce was formed:

Act 3, Scene 2: Thief wandering up to a red GB galant

Thief wearing the usual black (including tattered beanie and fingerless
gloves) glances around shiftily and loiters toward the galant.

Thief> (soto voce) 'Allo, 'allo, what do we 'ave 'ere?
Thief> (to Galant) "ALT-Enter!"
"Name: Chrysler GB Galant V1.00
Size: Track 2280mm, Wheelbase 2720mm (M)
4/4 seats free.
Date: Creation: Sept 1973
Modified: 6 January 2000
Accessed: 19 January 2000
Type: P-plater bomb
Associated Application:
1x street directory.
1x 50c piece (choke high setting)
1x 10c piece (choke low setting)
2x thongs
2x towels
1x blankie
2x "P" plates
1lb beach sand
1x very hot black vinyl upholstery
38l super fuel (protected)
1x jack
1x 1999 Flinders Uni parking permit

OK Apply Cancel"
Thief> "Sheesh sigh Bloody well cancel!"

Thief wanders off in search of something worth looting.

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