What follows are a couple of Concorde quickies. These are jokes which are funny, but which didn't really warrant posting separately. I post such a digest whenever I have enough entries to warrant it. Particularly selective readers will probably not enjoy the digests, and may want to killfile RHF jokes with "Digest" in the title - ed. Note - in case you didn't figure it out from the subject matter, these jokes are extremely offensive. Read them at your own risk. = = = = = = = >From: paulco@iinet.net.au (Paul Cowan) >Subject: Concorde - overheard 1. The French Killed more Germans on Tuesday than in 2 world wars 2. Overheard at the Hotelissimo, Gronesse: "Waiter! There's a Concorde in my soup." = = = = = = = >From: pkrouse@dev.tivoli.com (Pierce Krouse) >Subject: concorde service Concorde tickets are pretty cheap nowadays, especially when you consider that they will take you straight to the hotel. = = = = = = = >From: brad@templetons.com (Brad Templeton) >Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad >Subject: Cause of Concorde crash The cause for the fiery crash of the Air France Concorde has been determined. The tires were made by Firestone. = = = = = = = From: mestreech@hotmail.com (Jos Van) Subject: Russian submarine Since the disaster with the Concorde, the Russians have decided to ground all submarines.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)
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