Google Map World Heritage sites for Iraq
Google Map World Heritage sites for Iraq
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Main link goes to Google satellite image of area. In most
places you can zoom in once, in some places all the way.
Use "VR" link for virtual reality tours, "Img" for Google images.
Please note, some coordinates have errors. If you find the true
coordinates, comment on my blog.
- Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat)
"The ancient city of Ashur is located on the Tigris River in northern Mesopotamia in a specific geo-ecological zone, at the borderline between rain-fed and irrigation..." [More]
- Hatra
"A large fortified city under the influence of the Parthian Empire and capital of the first Arab Kingdom, Hatra withstood invasions by the Romans in A.D. 116 and 198 thanks to..." [More]
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