Google Map World Heritage sites for Costa Rica
Google Map World Heritage sites for Costa Rica
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Main link goes to Google satellite image of area. In most
places you can zoom in once, in some places all the way.
Use "VR" link for virtual reality tours, "Img" for Google images.
Please note, some coordinates have errors. If you find the true
coordinates, comment on my blog.
- Area de Conservacion Guanacaste
"The 127,000-ha Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1999, contains important natural habitats for the conservation of biological..." [More]
- Cocos Island National Park
"Cocos Island National Park, located 550 km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is the only island in the tropical eastern Pacific with a tropical rainforest. Its position as..." [More]
- Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park
"The location of this unique site in Central America, where Quaternary glaciers have left their mark, has allowed the fauna and flora of North and South America to interbreed...." [More]
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