Google Map World Heritage sites for Chile
Google Map World Heritage sites for Chile
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Main link goes to Google satellite image of area. In most
places you can zoom in once, in some places all the way.
Use "VR" link for virtual reality tours, "Img" for Google images.
Please note, some coordinates have errors. If you find the true
coordinates, comment on my blog.
- Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaiso
"The colonial city of Valparaiso presents an excellent example of late19th-century urban and architectural development in Latin America. In its natural amphitheatre-like..." [More]
- Rapa Nui National Park
"Rapa Nui, the indigenous name of Easter Island, bears witness to a unique cultural phenomenon. A society of Polynesian origin that settled there c. A.D. 300 established a..." [More]
- Churches of Chiloe
"The Churches of Chiloe represent a unique example in Latin America of an outstanding form of ecclesiastical wooden architecture. They represent a tradition initiated by the..." [More]
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